206 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA 02465

Entertaining and Instructive Court Stories with Judge Paul Chernoff

Entertaining and Instructive Court Stories with Judge Paul Chernoff


Brought o you by the Scandinavian Living Center

Judge Paul Chernoff is a retired Judge who served on the Newton District Court for six years and then thirty years on the Massachusetts Superior Court. He has presided over about one thousand jury trials and several thousand cases without jury. He has taught classes at Boston College Law School for thirty years, is a Veteran who represents disabled Veterans through Veteran Legal Services, and is a certified mediator and arbitrator.


Judge Chernoff is the author of three books of interesting court happenings over the years and he often gives lectures in the community where he teaches valubale lessons through the vehicle of story telling involving his court cases


He and his wife Lynn have lived in the City of Newton for over 50 years.